European Commission workshop on entrepreneurship, innovation and access to finance in the Middle East and Northern Africa. My material on microfinance after the Arab Spring

Last December, I participated in a Multi Country Workshop to spur entrepreneurship and inovation across the Middle East and and Northern Africa (MEDA).

The event was organised by the European Commission through its TAIEX programme with the purpose of exchangin information, knowledge, tools and practices and improve the business environment as well as access to finance for Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in the region.

The format allowed for both presentation and exchange of good practices on innovative tools and experiences and discussion and feedback from representatives of different countries. We discussed the use of guarantees, equity funds, funds of funds, microfinance and business angels networks.

I leave with you the agenda and the presentations of all participants that you can find in the following link: Presentations and conference material

This is the presentation I used to introduce the situation of microfinance in the MENA region, its challenges, opportunities and the impact of the Arab Spring events in some countries.

[slideshare id=11023973&doc=largomicrofinancemena-120113130020-phpapp02]


  1. aa el 13 de enero de 2012 a las 19:35

    Muchas gracias por compartir este excelente material!

    • guadalupedelamata el 14 de enero de 2012 a las 18:33

      Gracias a tí por seguir el blog y por tus comentarios… me alegró que te guste.

    • guadalupedelamata el 15 de enero de 2012 a las 19:08

      Gracias a ti por seguir el blog!