Investing in Women at the IE Social Responsibility Forum

The last 11 and 12 of November I participated in the  6th annual Social Responsibility Forum at IE Business School.

The concept of this edition was «Invent your Paradigm» and gave the opportunity to speakers, IE students and practitioners from around the world to question the current visions of sustainability and discuss the kind of re-conceptualization necessary to become better managers, leaders and global citizens.

I  presented some thoughts about how microfinance can empower women, specially from developing countries,  in a very interesting pannel that has a title: «Investing in Women: enterpreneurship, microfinance and NGOs».

We discussed the role of women in development and economic growth and presented different tools to empower them. I shared the pannel with Rosanna Paradiso, President of Tampep Association and Seth Cochran, Founder of OperationOF.  The pannel was moderated by Waya Quiviger, Director of the Master in International Relations at IE Business School.

I would like to share my presentation with you. What do you think is the next paradigm of Women Investment?

[slideshare id=10150861&doc=publicacionblogsocialforumwomenentreprenursandmicrofinance-111114041446-phpapp02]

If you are interested in Microfinance and Social Investments you can find more presentations in the following link:

Material Cursos
