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10 Reasons Employees Really Care About Their Jobs
Want your employees to really care? First you have to really care about them. I have been talking a lot lately about happiness with my friends and colleagues. The happiness book that I have been writing has had that “positive side effect”, getting feedback and ideas about the importance of the search of wellbeing, happiness…
Read MoreCitizenship 2.0: Debating Europe, connecting European citizens and politicians
In a recent article, I listed 10 ways people can change the economy, I received a lot of comments and proposals and some of you expressed interest in finding out how to participate and interact with the government and public authorities. For those of you that follow European issues I want to share today a…
Read MoreYoung at Heart: How to be an innovator for life
Recently I have listened to a great podcast where Tom Kelley, general manager at IDEO, presents 5 core practices that enhance creativity and describes how they can help us be more innovative and successful in every part of our lives. The podcast is titled Young at Heart: How to Be an Innovator for Life and is shared by the Entrepreneurial Thought…
Read MoreThe power of vulnerability. TED talk by Brené Brown
This weekend a friend mentioned this TED Talk by Brené Brown. It has deeply stirred me and I want to share it with you. It touches upon the following questions: How do we learn to embrace our vulnerabilities and imperfections so that we can engage in our lives from a place of authenticity and worthiness?…
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