RSE Recursos de Interés
Vídeos sobre negocios inclusivos y base de la pirámide
Artículos sobre negocios inclusivos y base dela pirámide
Libros y guías
¿Pueden las empresas contribuir a los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio? (pdf, 128 páginas)
Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor, by the Growing Inclusive Markets Initiative at UNDP
Casos prácticos y otros recursos
Cementing the Bottom of the Pyramid: A New Direction at CEMEX?
Connecting the Rural Poor to the World: Grameen’s Village Phone in Bangladesh
Doing Well By Doing Good: ‘Fair & Lovely’ Whitening Cream
Expanding the Playing Field: Nike’s World Shoe Project
Farmacias Similares: Private and Public Health Care for the Base of the Pyramid in Mexico
Grameen Danone Foods: A Social Business Enterprise
Growing Inclusive Markets Case Studies
IDEO – Design for Social Impact
SC Johnson’s CSR Initiatives – Testing the ‘Base of the Pyramid’ Protocol
Scojo Foundation: A Vision for Growth at the Base of the Pyramid
Socially Responsible Distribution: Strategies for Reaching the Bottom of the Pyramid
Strategic Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid
The Mirage of Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid: How the Private Sector Can Help Alleviate Poverty
Unilever in India – Rural Marketing Initiatives