The power of citizens (Citizen 2.0): 17 examples of government social media innovation

The internet has changed the way information is relayed and how people use it. We have gone from an era of broadcast dominated by passive reception to an era of digital natives, where communication is interactive and instantaneous. This new generation has grown up with the Internet and expects continuous participation. This evolution towards new communication…

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Resources: Social Innovation Articles and Reports

Here you can find some key articles and documents about Social Innovation Strategic Collaboration Between. Nonprofits and Businesses. James E. Austin. Harvard Business School  Nambisan, S. “Platforms for Collaboration”, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Summer 2009. Howaldt, J./ Schwarz, M. “Social Innovation: Concepts, research fields and international trends”, IMO international monitoring, 2010. “Let’s hear those ideas”. The Economist.…

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