Impact investing going mainstream? Join us at the panel next Friday at the 8th IE Social Responsibility Forum.

There is a crisis out there, but also a lot of people that are thinking of new ways to change the economy for the good and that are implementing them…. Impact investing is one of the ways and is going mainstream!
We will be talking about it with key experts at the IE Social Responsibility Forum:
Don’t miss the change and join us for the discussion. Below are the details and some interesting background information.
Is Impact Investing Going Mainstream? Can impact investing funds compete with traditional funds? What should constitute impact investing? The panel will showcase different approaches to social investment, impact investment, and venture philanthropy. It will be an opportunity to exchange ideas on how best to fund social ventures, and where the “money is going” at the moment. |
Location: CaixaForum Madrid Confirmed Speakers: Guadalupe de la Mata, Founder of Innovation for Social Change IE Panel Leader: Ron Ben-Chaim, Panel Leader |
If you want to read more about Impact Investing I recommend these reports:
- JP Morgan’s: “Impact Investing to grow to $400 billion to nearly $1 trillion over the next 10 years”…
- World Economic Forum: “Impact Investing moving from the Margins to the Mainstream”…
- Sonen Report: “Impact outperforms, traditional asset allocation strategies”…
- Generation Investment Management:“Sustainable companies outperformed a similar matched group of companies”…
- Trillium Asset Management: “A Framework for Creating Social and Environmental Impact Across Asset Classes ”…