A tool to develop your Theory of Change

In this post I want to share with you a very powerful tool, developed by DIY, on how to use Theory of Change to develop solutions for complex problems. Let´s first clarify why it is important to set a Theory of Change, what is it exactly and how to use the tool. At the end …

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Resources: Social Innovation Articles and Reports

Here you can find some key articles and documents about Social Innovation Strategic Collaboration Between. Nonprofits and Businesses. James E. Austin. Harvard Business School http://www.utexas.edu/courses/streeter/393T19/JAustin.pdf  Nambisan, S. “Platforms for Collaboration”, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Summer 2009. Howaldt, J./ Schwarz, M. “Social Innovation: Concepts, research fields and international trends”, IMO international monitoring, 2010. “Let’s hear those ideas”. The Economist.…

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