A tool to develop your Theory of Change
In this post I want to share with you a very powerful tool, developed by DIY, on how to use Theory of Change to develop solutions for complex problems. Let´s first clarify why it is important to set a Theory of Change, what is it exactly and how to use the tool. At the end …
Read MoreHow to promote positive change in teams and organizations with Appreciative Inquiry
I am a big fan of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) as an approach to introduce change in organizations, teams, communities and workshops and also for personal and leadership development. I like it because it proposes a shift from problem solving to identifying and building on existing strengths. The basic tenet of AI is that a team or…
Read MoreMy 10 favourite Social Innovation Practices: summary and free ebook
There are many practices and methods to facilitate Social Innovation and Collaborative Leadership that can be adapted depending to the context and needs of the specific problem we want to solve. I have mentioned and written about many of them in this blog and have received a lot of questions and interest around them. In…
Read More10 Golden Rules of Design Thinking: Promoting collaboration and innovation in your teams
I have “talked” about Design Thinking in this blog many times as a great tool to promote innovation both at company, project and team level. There are toolkits to adapt it to social innovation projects and for educators and for social entrepreneurs. I have used it in different settings, both with students at university and in…
Read MoreResources: Social Innovation Articles and Reports
Here you can find some key articles and documents about Social Innovation Strategic Collaboration Between. Nonprofits and Businesses. James E. Austin. Harvard Business School http://www.utexas.edu/courses/streeter/393T19/JAustin.pdf Nambisan, S. “Platforms for Collaboration”, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Summer 2009. Howaldt, J./ Schwarz, M. “Social Innovation: Concepts, research fields and international trends”, IMO international monitoring, 2010. “Let’s hear those ideas”. The Economist.…
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