The power of words

Watch this touching video The Power of Words, to see how changing just a few words can make a dramatic difference in your life and in the lives of those around you. Question: Can you think of a time when words have had a major impact on you or on those around you?

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My 10 favorite Crowdsourcing platforms for social good

I have written often  in this blog about the power of collective action and how  crowdsourcing  and  crowdfunding platforms are changing the economy (also see:  The top 10 ways people are changing the economy for more examples of people action´s to improve the world). Today I want to share with you my 10 favourite crowdsourcing  platforms for…

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Young at Heart: How to be an innovator for life

Recently I have listened to a great podcast where Tom Kelley, general manager at IDEO, presents 5 core practices that enhance creativity and describes how they can help  us be more innovative and successful in every part of our lives. The podcast is titled Young at Heart: How to Be an Innovator for Life and is shared by the Entrepreneurial Thought…

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Creativity requires Time

Some people say they feel more creative when they are pushed for time, while others feel more creative when they have as much time as they want? What about you? [su_youtube_advanced url=”″]

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Dreamstarter: a crowdfunding platform launched by StartSomeGood and ING Direct in Australia

This year I am teaching again  Development Finance and Innovative Finance Models in different Universities. I always look for innovative cases to discuss with students and I have found this interesting initiative of how banks can support social businesses. It has happened in Australia, where the crowdfunding platform, StartSomeGood has partnered with ING DIRECT Australia to launch…

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New booklet: EU initiatives addressing societal challenges through digital innovation. Available online

This booklet highlights some of the many EU initiatives and co-funded research and innovation projects which address societal challenges through digital innovation, such as better healthcare, independent living for the elderly, delivering effective public services, energy saving, smart transport, secure internet, inclusion, preservation of cultural heritage. A showcase of policy actions and projects illustrates what role ICT…

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