Designing for Generosity

Amazing and inspiring talk from Nipun Mehta, the founder of ServiceSpace (formerly Charity Focus), an incubator of projects that works at the intersection of volunteerism, technology and gift-economy. What started as an experiment with four friends in the Silicon Valley has now grown to an global ecosystem of over 350,000 members that has delivered millions…

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10 Reasons Employees Really Care About Their Jobs

Want your employees to really care? First you have to really care about them. I have been talking a lot lately about happiness with my friends and colleagues. The happiness book that I have been writing has had that  “positive side effect”, getting feedback  and ideas about the importance of the search of wellbeing, happiness…

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Social Innovation Definitions

What is social innovation? I have put together the definitions proposed by key researchers and actors A novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than existing solutions and for which the value created accrues primarily to society as a whole rather than private individuals. (Phills, Deiglmeier & Miller, 2008,…

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What is Social Impact Investing?

Social investment is the provision and use of finance to generate social, or social as well as economic, returns. Over the last ten years various forms of social investment have grown rapidly and new forms have been introduced. This growth reflects a range of developments on both the demand side (a new generation of social…

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The power of citizens (Citizen 2.0): 17 examples of government social media innovation

The internet has changed the way information is relayed and how people use it. We have gone from an era of broadcast dominated by passive reception to an era of digital natives, where communication is interactive and instantaneous. This new generation has grown up with the Internet and expects continuous participation. This evolution towards new communication…

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5 conditions for unleashing innovation in the public sector

I am very interested in the increasing trend of using Social Innovation within Governments worldwide. Lately I have even been able to participate and experience how different public sectors institutions are using innovative approaches, methodologies and processes to tackle the increasing social needs. I find fascinating how more and more public sector innovators are improving government by replicating…

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