Recursos: Design Methods Menu: new tool for #designthinking #socent #servicedesign

the social design methods menuI want to share with you a very interesting resource that introduces design approaches and methods to the delivery of ventures, products and services that address social needs or collective issues.

Contained within the Methods Menu is a collection of instructions and templates for public service managers, social innovators and entrepreneurs who are looking for a new way to address social issues, whether this is reducing homelessness or encouraging greater participation in the community from older people.

Many of the ideas including the main templates have been used extensively in teaching design-based approaches to MBA students at Said Business School and to social entrepreneurs and innovators.

However, because the Methods Menu is designed to be both a manual and an introduction to “social design”, the authors,  Lucy Kimbell and intern Joe Julier, have also endeavoured to outline and explain some of the broader concepts underpinning a “designerly” approach to the world. And, for those who like to dig a little deeper they have, whenever possible, signposted their influences and provided an introductory reading and watching list.

How to get a free copy

Pay with a tweet if you are a twitter user

Or download from here (PDF format, 4 MB)


  1. arcos sustainable development consulting el 12 de febrero de 2013 a las 16:05

    Muchas gracias Guadalupe. Increíbles aportaciones e información!

  2. Anna Buxaderas Rierola el 12 de febrero de 2013 a las 16:22

    Gracias Guadalupe!

    Anna Buxaderas

    Tel: +34 93 410 25 83 Mob: +34 616 32 33 32

    • guadalupedelamata el 12 de febrero de 2013 a las 20:27

      Gracias a tí Anna por seguir el blog!

  3. axel el 13 de febrero de 2013 a las 16:42

    SO useful and interesting! thank you!

    • guadalupedelamata el 18 de febrero de 2013 a las 20:09

      Thanks Axel!
      Best from Madrid